Turn Your Golf Drivers Into Monsters! in Albuquerque, New Mexico For Sale
Looking for that extra edge on your approach shots? We can help you put much more spin on your iron shots by replacing your existing grooves with our square grooving service. Even if your irons or hybrids have square grooves now they can be greatly improved by having the grooves cut deeper, wider and with sharper edges. While some irons are made from the factory with square grooves the edges are rounded off resulting in much less bite into the ball on each shot. After we recut new grooves in your irons they will also have less space in between grooves due to them being widened as seen in the diagram below. By using CNC machine technology we can ensure consistency and accuracy as we cut each groove line. Have you ever watched with envy at how the pros can spin the ball backwards on the green after it lands? You'll be able to do the same thing once we recut the grooves on your irons. You will be able to keep your ball on the putting surface even when landing on very small greens. Your buddies will be amazed when they see your ball check and spin back towards the hole. You will go through a few more balls per round as the grooves will aggressively bite the ball. A softer, urethane ball will work best with the new grooves as it will allow them to bite into the ball's material better. Recently you've seen many of the pros going back to the original Ping Eye 2 square groove irons to gain an advantage. Players are paying top dollar for the original Eye 2's as they had a more aggressive groove pattern than today's irons. Our grooves will be cut very similar to the Eye 2 grooves except slightly wider and deeper and with sharper edges. Once we cut the grooves a good groove sharpener will be helpful to maintain their sharpness. You will also want to keep them clean to remove dirt and grass in between shots or after each round. Many players elect to have their entire set of irons regrooved while others will choose certain ones like 5-SW or 7-SW. Hybrids are fine for regrooving as well. Visit us at www.worldshottestdrivers.com